Tomb raider 2001 movie
Tomb raider 2001  movie

Tomb raider 2001 movie movie#

The movie definitely has problems of its own, the biggest one being that the pacing is unintentionally slow - Luckily, in this age of home media, this movie can be watched in chunks that's how I watched it, and I was never bored. This is helped by Vikander's performance which is both strong and sympathetic in real ways. She's not sneering or arrogant and invincible she's just someone who is smart enough to figure things out and strong enough to survive that which would kill most others. What makes this especially true is the fact that Lara Croft herself is a fully fleshed-out character with more than enough strength to be aspiring but also enough nuance to work as a human. It's nothing special, but for action-loving girls (especially teenage girls), I think this is both entertaining and empowering. The new Tomb Raider is a pretty good movie, and one that is all-to-often regarded as one of the more boring movies of recent years, so I'm here to defend it. Overall I think that an mature 10 yr old or 11 yr old can watch this with ease, (Provided that you skip that scene) Thankfully the sexual and violence was toned down in this movie unlike its predecessors, ( limited to shooting arrows and then the camera instantly switches to the protagonist). The thing that I disagree with common sense media review is that they say she knocks out people with no remorse, I completely disagree due to the fact the the protagonist literally crys on screen for an minute! Language is not an problem just a few uses of the s word and some uses of g-d.

tomb raider 2001 movie

If you skip that scene then I would think an mature 10 yr old or 11 yr old could watch this (If you skip that scene). dies, the scene I explained to you is what I think what made this expert review 14+. Fortunately there was not that much graphic violence most of it was clean except 1 scene that if we were home watching it I would have wanted to skip, one of them was when lara and the antagonist crew were in the tomb trying to solve the puzzle when one of the crew touches a skeleton and then his hand starts turning black and then it goes all around his body and it kinda looks like he is an alien then he screams and falls to the ground and well. So I said to him that whatever I say if the movie gets to violent then James (My son) must go to his mother otherwise it will be a waste of a ticket. Then it should be fine, it has the same violence and actually less language then the latest Indiana Jones, when me and my son went to the theaters to go watch this movie I was not to sure if I would be okay with this movie because it looked quite intense and was very hopeful that it did not have spirits like the old Indiana Jones movies, (which I only allowed him to watch the latest one which was still quite intense). The best movie ever, if your kids have seen Indiana jones (the latest one) To stay in the loop on more movies like this, you can sign up for weekly Family Movie Night emails. But die-hard Croft fans - and/or viewers hungry for female-driven action movies - will likely give it a chance. The movie is very noisy and, alas, not much fun, though it does stress the value of sacrifice and perseverance. Language includes a few uses of "s-t" and a couple of cut-off uses of "f-k." A secondary character is said to be drunk and later nurses a hangover.

tomb raider 2001 movie

Lara wears a tight tank top throughout (paralleling the games), but otherwise sex isn't an issue.

tomb raider 2001 movie

Lara Croft ( Alicia Vikander) takes a lot of physical punishment, often crying out in pain or terror she also kills people with no repercussion or remorse. The violence is largely bloodless but very intense, with lots of guns and shooting, arrows, fighting, beating, bludgeoning, stabbings, crashes, and explosions. Parents need to know that Tomb Raider is a reboot of the video game-based Lara Croft action series, which also inspired two previous movies.

Tomb raider 2001  movie